Friday, February 13, 2009

What I Love About Valentines Day

I love Valentines day it is one of my favorite holidays. It is full of Love and Romance. It is so nice. I like all the Valentines you can get from people. They can be crazy or just plain old boring. I also like that you can give some Valentines to your friends or your crush without them even knowing that its from you. I also like that everyone is always in a happy mood. It is so great.

Thanks So Much and Happy Valentines Day,


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My friend List

Hey guys this is my friends list and its NOT in order. If you are not in here don't get offended these are all my close friends.

1. Leticia

2. Anna

3. Megan

4. Hannah

5. Jenna

6. Aspen

7. Sydni

8. Kaitlyn

9. Ansley

10. Paige

11. Alicia

Monday, February 9, 2009

American Idol

Pic From:
Have you ever heard of American Idol??? It is a really good show where people from around the country and sometimes the world audition to become the next American Idol. If you didn't know it is a singing competition. I like the auditions the best because really weird people audition to be on T.V. It is really funny. If you haven't yet seen this show you HAVE to check it out.


The Best Country Singer....

Pic From:
I think the best Country singer would have to be Carrie Underwood. She is the girl from American Idol that has blond wavy hair. I think she is really talented because she has a voice range that most people cannot meet. She is very talented and she is my role-model for singing. I want her to make so many cds so I can sing along with ALL of them. I love her sooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!


My Fav President

Pic From:
My favorite president would probably have to be Abe Lincoln. He was a great president that made slavery illegal. I give him total credit for that, because that would be really hard. I also like Abe Lincoln because he is really tough. He is tough beacuse his mom died when he was 10 and he basically had to take care of himself, (considering that his dad died when he was 8). We need to have another president like him. If we did we could have much more peace and great happiness.