Thursday, April 2, 2009


On Thursday April, 2 I had a track meet, and it was really fun. Overall I got 3rd in my events. I am really happy. One of the teams that we were playing was supposed to be a really hard team, but it ended up being really easy. The events I did were Long Jump, Hundred Meter Dash, and a 400 by 100 relay. Probably the hardest one would have to be Long Jump, because it was a longer distance than I thought it was gonna be. Overall I had a great time at my track meet. The picture is from :


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What I Did Over Spring Break

Over Spring Break I did lots of stuff but my favorite thing was go to the beach. I went to California. We went to lots of beaches but the best one was probably in Coronado Beach. It was very warm and humid, and fun. The beach was cold so I didn't really want to go into the cold, choppy ocean because I would freeze to death. I loved going everywhere on the beach to look for shells, and whatever else just washed up out of the ocean. I got a very sandy, wet and cold sand dollar that washed up out the beach and practically to my wet, sandy feet. My cousins came with me to look for all these wonderful shells and I had a great time. After about an hour of walking around the very big beach we saw little tiny animals off in the distance. We asked our parents if everyone could go see what this mysterious animal was. When we got there they ended up being seals!!!! There was an animal expert there, and we asked her what was going on. She said all the female seals were coming to have there babies it was soooo cute.
