Friday, April 24, 2009

AnotherAnother Photo

Here is yet another photoshop thing I made.

Cell Phones While Driving

Today I'm gonna talk about if people should be allowed to talk on their cell phones while driving. I think people should not be allowed to talk on their cellphones while driving because all it it does is put a bigger risk on car accidents. Although I say people shouldn't be able to talk on their cell phones while driving I think you should be able to use some kind of blue tooth headset. Then you can still talk but while paying attention to the road. That is what I think about cellphones while driving.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Photoshop Project

Here is yet another photoshop project I made about Earth Day hope you like it.



Earth Day

Today is Earth Day and I am going to tell you some things that my family and I do to save the planet. First of all we recycle and try really hard to do it. By recycling just one bottle you can help in the process of saving our Earth. Another thing our family does is try to take shorter showers to save water. This can also help to save our planet. The last thing our family does is try to turn the lights off as much as possible. Some things that I think my family could try to improve on in helping our planet is maybe just to get recycling bags for groceries and just for shopping. That would help in the process of reduce, reuse and recycle.

Thanks So Much,

Monday, April 20, 2009

*Boom Boom Pow*:)

Have you ever heard of the song Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas? Well if you have it is a really good song and probably one of my favorite songs. I heard about the song from my friends. Here is a picture.

What I Did This Weekend

This weekend I did many fun things but I am going to just talk about one of them. I went to my friend Emily's house for her birthday. It was a sleepover and I thought it was the best sleepover I ever went to. We first just danced and ate cake and opened presents. I had a fun time dancing with all my friends because I hadn't seen them in a while. Then we went into Emily's basement and we played truth or dare. It somehow ended up leading us to outside and we played some games in the pitch black darkness. we then came back inside and got our pajamas on and did a dance off for the whole rest of the night which was about 6 hours. We stayed up until 3:00. It was a really fun sleepover!!!
