Friday, May 22, 2009

Twin Day

Today at school we had twin day. Twin day is a whole school day where you choose a partner in the same class as you and you dress like twins for that day. It is really fun because you don't have to wear your uniform that day.(yeah we have to wear uniforms. bleh!!!) All the teachers stare at you and you feel like you are the center of attention. (when really your not because teachers are staring at everyone). Here's how it works you come to school dressed like your partner, and go to your regular classes. All the twins in the class go up in front of the class and the whole class chooses the best twin in the class. Then they go to one of the teachers classrooms and they vote on the best twins in the WHOLE school. It is really fun and I hope we do it next year.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Prank I Pulled On Someone

Today I'm gonna talk about a prank I pulled on someone. One time me and my friends put a note in her locker saying that it was from her crush. It was really funny because she kept telling us that he was writing her notes. It said stuff like do you wanna go to the dance with me? It ended up being bad because she got offended, but it was still fun. She likes me and my friends again after we told her we were sorry and stuff. It was really fun and I don't know if I'm gonna do something like that again or not.
