Wednesday, December 16, 2009

for a while

WOW holy cow i hcnt been on this thing in 4ever! well here i am now!lol

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Hey everybody! If u already didnt no September 11th is the first dance! I hope 2 c everyone there! Bye!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Holy cow has it been a long time since I last posted on my blog. School has already started and it is already SO BORING! I dont think anybody likes school. Well comment! Bye!

Friday, June 12, 2009


I am really happy right now. I just got back from Florida and I'm all tan. I also am happy because I get to see all my BFFS. The only bad part is there has been a bunch of tornadoes!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Check this out. It is a kid who has talent.He is on Britain's got Talent. You will like it. Look at Simon Cowell's expression.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Changing Name

I am going to change my new name instead of Doggy Luvr its going to be Live, Laugh, Love! Hope u like it.

Nuggets vs. Lakers

Have you ever heard of the Nuggets?Well if u haven't you are STUPID!! (jk, jk) If you don't they are a team from Colorado that is in the Finals right now against the Lakers!! I hope the Nuggets win! Here's a pic Hope you like it!


Hey I have my blog all 2 myself now! I can write about whatever I want!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Twin Day

Today at school we had twin day. Twin day is a whole school day where you choose a partner in the same class as you and you dress like twins for that day. It is really fun because you don't have to wear your uniform that day.(yeah we have to wear uniforms. bleh!!!) All the teachers stare at you and you feel like you are the center of attention. (when really your not because teachers are staring at everyone). Here's how it works you come to school dressed like your partner, and go to your regular classes. All the twins in the class go up in front of the class and the whole class chooses the best twin in the class. Then they go to one of the teachers classrooms and they vote on the best twins in the WHOLE school. It is really fun and I hope we do it next year.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Prank I Pulled On Someone

Today I'm gonna talk about a prank I pulled on someone. One time me and my friends put a note in her locker saying that it was from her crush. It was really funny because she kept telling us that he was writing her notes. It said stuff like do you wanna go to the dance with me? It ended up being bad because she got offended, but it was still fun. She likes me and my friends again after we told her we were sorry and stuff. It was really fun and I don't know if I'm gonna do something like that again or not.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Plans For The Summer

This summer my major plans are to go to Daytona Beach, FL. My grandma lives there, and my family and I try to go there every summer. We are going to go to the beach a lot, and we are also going to take a boat out in the ocean and see Manatee Whales. It is going to be fun. We are also going to go to a water park. I don't know what it is going to be like but usually Florida is always fun. I hope I have a good time!!

My fav and least fav things about THIS school year.

I am going to talk about some of my favorite things abut this school year. First of all I like all the electives we have. We have many choices of electives, and I like that you get a lot of freedom choosing them. I also like all the trips we take. We go to really fun places and sometimes they can be overnight trips. Fun, Fun!! Some of my least favorite things are to take finals. I hate taking finals because it is on everything you learned the WHOLE school year. I also hate taking tests. They can be really annoying, especially when you forgot to study or you have no idea what the answers are because you didn't study them.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Cool Twilight Fact

Did you know that Jacob Black is Sharkboy from Sharkboy and Lavagirl. His real name is Taylor Lautner. Hope you like the pic.

Photoshop Project

Here is nother Photoshop project I made hope you like it!!!!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why saying "Thank You" is important.

Today in blogging we have to write a post saying why we think saying "Thank you" is important. I think saying "thank you" is important because it is good to say something nice to somebody who did something nice to you. It shows some respect to that person and it shows class. It tells that person that you are thankful for something nice that they do. I hope you listen to me.



Here is a really cool picture I made in Photoshop. It is called a smashed photo into pieces. I hope you like it!!!!!

The one to the right is after, the one to the left is before.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Miserable Feeling Is When......???

A miserable feeling is probably when you are sick. I hate that feeling! All you want to do is sleep and crawl up in bed and stay away from everybody. You feel all stuffed up and really bad. Its hard to pay attention and you miss school. It could be a good thing or a bad thing to miss school. it could be a bad thing because you miss all of the work and you have to do it. It could be a good thing because you miss school. Probably everybody has gotten sick once or twice, and you know how the feeling is. That is probably the most miserable feeling EVER!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Ultimate Dare!! ( This is Fictional)

I knew it wasn’t a good idea and I probably would regret it but I didn’t want to chicken out of truth or dare. It was 3 in the afternoon and I was scared to death who the guy was going to be. My friend told me don’t worry you’ll like who it is. Then all my other friends started to laugh as hard as they could. I got even more nervous than I already was. I already had used my chicken out for the game so I had no choice. I had to do it. All I asked my friend is where is this guy? She said he was the next door neighbor who goes to our school. All I could help but thinking was “is he a nerdy guy, or is he really cute?” My friend told me it was time to go and I said ok in kind of a quiet anxious little voice. I walked next door in my miniskirt and t- shirt and converse. I ran as fast as I could to the door because it was freezing outside considering it was December. I rang the doorbell, and a very tall, thin, chicken legged boy answered the door and said hello. I said hi back and thought to myself yes he actually is cute!!! I walked inside and sat down on the couch following his lead. Ok he said are you hungry? I answered back yes even though I wasn’t even that hungry. I didn’t want him to have a bad impression on me. We both sat down at his kitchen table and it was an awkward moment of silence for a minute while he got the food. When he put my plate down in front of me I almost wanted to barf! I said hey do you know Chris Plovers at our school? He answered back yes and why? Oh just because he comes to school every day with the same stuff. He is such a nerd. He replied yeah we used to be great friends and he taught me this recipe. I made a few changes to it. He then started to laugh and made kind of a snorting noise. I then stood up and replied oh no you ARE Chris Plovers aren’t you? He stood up and pulled something off of his head and said yep. I stepped back a couple of steps and said Oh No I will never ever go on a date with you. I ran out the door leaving it open without even noticing it and ran straight back to my friends house. When I opened the door and I realized that I had been a little harsh on Chris. I mean he never does really does get dates. I decided I would right him a letter saying I was sorry and I just wanted to be friends. When my friends saw me walk in the door they all started to laugh, and said we didn’t think it would take you this long!! I said be quite its not funny I feel really bad now. They said sorry it was the only good dare we could think of. So I suggested that we all go to sleep because it was already around 9 and we had to get up early the nest day because our moms were picking us up early. When we all layed down, I whispered to myself he actually is pretty nice. I could give him another try!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

???Cool Hugh???

Here is a really cool picture that I made in Photoshop that will bring your spirits up. It is called a Splash of Spring Tornado.

Alice In Wonderland Jr.

In school this year we are doing a play called Alice In Wonderland Jr. It is basically Alice In Wonderland but a little shorter and different. I am the DoDo bird. it sounds kind of weird but I have to sing a solo. It is kind of scary but I get used to it. We are performing it next week so all I am doing is practicing. I'll show you a picture.

Friday, April 24, 2009

AnotherAnother Photo

Here is yet another photoshop thing I made.

Cell Phones While Driving

Today I'm gonna talk about if people should be allowed to talk on their cell phones while driving. I think people should not be allowed to talk on their cellphones while driving because all it it does is put a bigger risk on car accidents. Although I say people shouldn't be able to talk on their cell phones while driving I think you should be able to use some kind of blue tooth headset. Then you can still talk but while paying attention to the road. That is what I think about cellphones while driving.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Photoshop Project

Here is yet another photoshop project I made about Earth Day hope you like it.



Earth Day

Today is Earth Day and I am going to tell you some things that my family and I do to save the planet. First of all we recycle and try really hard to do it. By recycling just one bottle you can help in the process of saving our Earth. Another thing our family does is try to take shorter showers to save water. This can also help to save our planet. The last thing our family does is try to turn the lights off as much as possible. Some things that I think my family could try to improve on in helping our planet is maybe just to get recycling bags for groceries and just for shopping. That would help in the process of reduce, reuse and recycle.

Thanks So Much,

Monday, April 20, 2009

*Boom Boom Pow*:)

Have you ever heard of the song Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas? Well if you have it is a really good song and probably one of my favorite songs. I heard about the song from my friends. Here is a picture.

What I Did This Weekend

This weekend I did many fun things but I am going to just talk about one of them. I went to my friend Emily's house for her birthday. It was a sleepover and I thought it was the best sleepover I ever went to. We first just danced and ate cake and opened presents. I had a fun time dancing with all my friends because I hadn't seen them in a while. Then we went into Emily's basement and we played truth or dare. It somehow ended up leading us to outside and we played some games in the pitch black darkness. we then came back inside and got our pajamas on and did a dance off for the whole rest of the night which was about 6 hours. We stayed up until 3:00. It was a really fun sleepover!!!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yet Another Photoshop Project

That is something I made in Photoshop I hope you like it!!!!!


My Fav Movie

My favorite movie is the Twilight movie. I loved the movie so much because there was a lot of action and suspense in it and those are my kind of movies. At first I thought Twilight was really stupid, but my friends told me it was really good and so I had to read the book and watch the movie. What I didn't realize at first was that Taylor from Twilight the movie is they boy on Sharkboy and Lavagirl. All in all I love Twilight the movie so much and I hope maybe you will see it to.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Something Cool On Photoshop

Here is a really cool picture thing I made on photoshop. Hope you like it.



Monday, April 6, 2009

My Fav Websites

Here are the top ten websites I visit most.

1. Msn (I check my email on it.)

2. You Tube ( I search cool videos)

3. Blogger ( I think you know why!)

4. Miniclip ( To play Games)

5. Cartoon Doll Emporium ( To Play Games)

6. Nitrome ( To Play Games)

7. Google ( To search for stuff)

8. Poptropica ( To Play Games)

9. Ebay ( To Search for Stuff)

10. The Clique Website ( To check out when the next book is coming out)


My Dad

My Dad has many qualities including spoiling me. I love him so much, not just because he spoils me but because he is very nice and kind. We do many things together including seeing movies, going to sporting events, and much more. My dad spoils me because almost every day when I wake up he asks me what do you want to eat. I most of the time say whatever you think and he makes me omelets and pancakes. I don't expect him to make me all this awesome food but he does anyway. My favorite thing that he makes me is probably his omelets. He adds a whole bunch of secret ingredients and it makes it taste really good. I just want to say thank you dad for all the stuff you do for me.


Thursday, April 2, 2009


On Thursday April, 2 I had a track meet, and it was really fun. Overall I got 3rd in my events. I am really happy. One of the teams that we were playing was supposed to be a really hard team, but it ended up being really easy. The events I did were Long Jump, Hundred Meter Dash, and a 400 by 100 relay. Probably the hardest one would have to be Long Jump, because it was a longer distance than I thought it was gonna be. Overall I had a great time at my track meet. The picture is from :


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What I Did Over Spring Break

Over Spring Break I did lots of stuff but my favorite thing was go to the beach. I went to California. We went to lots of beaches but the best one was probably in Coronado Beach. It was very warm and humid, and fun. The beach was cold so I didn't really want to go into the cold, choppy ocean because I would freeze to death. I loved going everywhere on the beach to look for shells, and whatever else just washed up out of the ocean. I got a very sandy, wet and cold sand dollar that washed up out the beach and practically to my wet, sandy feet. My cousins came with me to look for all these wonderful shells and I had a great time. After about an hour of walking around the very big beach we saw little tiny animals off in the distance. We asked our parents if everyone could go see what this mysterious animal was. When we got there they ended up being seals!!!! There was an animal expert there, and we asked her what was going on. She said all the female seals were coming to have there babies it was soooo cute.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

For the Good Of The Country

Hey today in blogging we are supposed to write about what we think some people should do to cut back in these hard economic times. First of all there is a road where we go up and down. People are loosing there jobs so there is no money made at stores, and so nothing gets sold and the store goes out of business. That’s when people loose their jobs. This sounds a little weird, but to get better in our economy, in my opinion we need to start buying some new things. Not going crazy and buyings TONS of things, but buying just little things. With everyones help our economy can get better in no time.


Here is a really cool project I made in Photoshop. They are really fun tomake and if you have Photoshop you should try it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


This year for spring break I'm going to Disneyland. I'm not staying at the resort in Disneyland, but my family and I are still going there. This is the first time I'm going there and I lam really excited. My favorite ride they I've rode at Disney world, and is at Disneyland is Space Mountain. Hopefully there isn't a two hour wait. When I went to Disney world there was a two hour wait, and we ended up not riding the ride.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

American Idol vs.Dancing With The Stars

I am going to do a competition for the best show between American Idol or Dancing With the Stars.

Here's what I think about Dancing With The Stars:
Dancing With The Stars is a very cool show that you can see professional dancers partner up with Movie Stars, and compete against at first about 15 teams.

This show is good because it is free; it is not on paper view. It also is good because it is good for the whole family, and it makes you anxious and want to watch it.


There is a lot of commercials. It also can have some Movie Stars on it that you dont like. You also have to pay to vote.

Here is American Idol:

This is American Idol; it is a show where the judges and Ryan Seacrest go around the country trying to find a good singer. They have different rounds and one or two people get eliminated each week.


It is a VERY good show. It also is very amusing to watch, and it is very addicting. The people on it are very cool.


There is a lot of commercials, and if you want to vote you have to pay something. I don't know how much it is but I don't like that you have to pay to vote.

This is what I think about these two shows I like both of them, but they also have some bad things about them. You decide who you think wins the competition.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cute Elephant Picture

Today in photoshop we created these really cute pictures with frames on them. I hope you like it I don't know where this Elephant is but she sure is really cute!!! The picture is from:

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Most Fun Thing I've Done Lately

The most exciting thing I've done lately is probably is go shopping. Yesterday I went to the mall with my mom and dad and brother. We went to a lot of stores, but the only store I actually got something at was Aeropostle. I got two really cute shirts that say Aero on them. I also got a polo shirt that is really cute. We went to Macys and I almost got a really cute swimsuit, but it was WAY to expensive. To be exact it was 78.00 dollars. I want to go there again. It was really fun. The pic is from:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Phone

I have the new Verizon phone the Blitz. It looks really fat, and looks like a GPS system( so Ive been told). I love it because it is just a regular phone that has a lot of features to it. I got it for Christmas, and when I opened it I basically screamed my head off. I want to get a different case for it, just because my phone is plain old blue.
Thanks a lot

Why Kids Should Have GPS on their phone

Its good to have a GPS on your phone because if you loose it that is REALLY bad. I have a GPS on my phone and Ive had to use it once. Ive had my phone for a month and Ive lost my phone once. If I didn't have it I probably would of gotten grounded and had to get a new phone. Thank goodness for GPS on phones.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Egg Salad

We are in blogging class today and I have decided to right about a recipe my family makes called egg salad. I will explain a litte bit.

This is the ingredients:
  • 4 Eggs

  • Mustard ( any kind) 1 teaspoon

  • Mayonnaise ( any kind) 2 teaspoons

  • Salt ( any kind)

  • Two pots

Here is what you do:

First, you have to put four eggs into a pot.

Then you have to let them boil for about a half an hour. It makes them boil faster if you add salt to the water.

Then you have to let the eggs chill in the refrigerator for a half an hour. When they are done Take them out of the refrigerator and set them in your second pot.

Then you have to peel the eggs.

Afterwards, you have to cut the eggs until they end up looking like this:

After that you have to add mustard so it looks like this:

Then you have to add mayonnaise so it looks like this:

Then you stir it all together and it is done!! It ends up looking like this:

It looks delicious!!!!! Hope you enjoy!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

What I Love About Valentines Day

I love Valentines day it is one of my favorite holidays. It is full of Love and Romance. It is so nice. I like all the Valentines you can get from people. They can be crazy or just plain old boring. I also like that you can give some Valentines to your friends or your crush without them even knowing that its from you. I also like that everyone is always in a happy mood. It is so great.

Thanks So Much and Happy Valentines Day,


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My friend List

Hey guys this is my friends list and its NOT in order. If you are not in here don't get offended these are all my close friends.

1. Leticia

2. Anna

3. Megan

4. Hannah

5. Jenna

6. Aspen

7. Sydni

8. Kaitlyn

9. Ansley

10. Paige

11. Alicia

Monday, February 9, 2009

American Idol

Pic From:
Have you ever heard of American Idol??? It is a really good show where people from around the country and sometimes the world audition to become the next American Idol. If you didn't know it is a singing competition. I like the auditions the best because really weird people audition to be on T.V. It is really funny. If you haven't yet seen this show you HAVE to check it out.


The Best Country Singer....

Pic From:
I think the best Country singer would have to be Carrie Underwood. She is the girl from American Idol that has blond wavy hair. I think she is really talented because she has a voice range that most people cannot meet. She is very talented and she is my role-model for singing. I want her to make so many cds so I can sing along with ALL of them. I love her sooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!


My Fav President

Pic From:
My favorite president would probably have to be Abe Lincoln. He was a great president that made slavery illegal. I give him total credit for that, because that would be really hard. I also like Abe Lincoln because he is really tough. He is tough beacuse his mom died when he was 10 and he basically had to take care of himself, (considering that his dad died when he was 8). We need to have another president like him. If we did we could have much more peace and great happiness.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Think The Best Actor Is.......

Picture From
I think the actor is Orlando Bloom. He has been in lots of movies including Pirates Of The Carribean. He has lots of emotion and acts like a very good pirate. He is also kinda cute. I hope they make another Pirates of The Carribean because they are very addicting and VERY good.



I Think The Best Actress Is..........

Picture From
The best actress in the movie business is probably Kristen Stewart. She is the girl from Twilight, and I think she did a really good job in Twilight. She had tons of emotion and looked really scared. She is a farely new actress from what I am aware of, and it seemed like she was a grammy award winner. Hopefully she does tons of more movies, because she would be really great.

Thanks So Much,
